In-store skate sharpening | Expert repair & maintenance | Industry expertise

Skate Disclaimer


  • Our staff offer a sizing guide to all customers when purchasing skates.
  • We can only offer an estimated guide on which size to purchase and the final decision will be the customers to undertake.
  • Should customers wish to purchase a larger or smaller skate against our professional advice – No refund or replacement be available for non-fitting skates.  
  • When buying your skates, always make sure you try them on and ensure your skates fit properly before purchasing and sharpening. We will not refund any skates which do not fit properly after they have been purchased and sharpened.
  • Warranty faults – We will seek manufacturer advice and authorisation before confirming returns. We maintain the right to offer a like for like replacement on all warranty claims only after the manufacturer authorises the replacement. If manufacturer does not authorise the warranty claim, no replacement will be offered.


  • Thermoformable skates should always be molded to achieve the best fit. They have special properties in them which when heated will allow you to greatly reduce the break-in process.
  • Always have your skates molded by an official retailer to make sure no damage occurs.
  • Always sit when molding skates, do not walk around.
  • Maintain level footing when seated, do not tip feet to the side.
  • Allow to cool before trying. We recommend a full 24 hours of cooling at room temperature to ensure the skates are fully cooled.
  • Skates can only be molded a maximum of 3 times.


  • When you take your skates home, please ensure you allow a full 24 hours at room temperature to completely cool before putting them on again.
  • Do not be tempted to try them on and walk around within the 24 hours after a heat mold, you will damage your new skates!
  • Do not be tempted to put them in a fridge or outside to cool quicker. This does not work and will only damage the integrity of the skates.
  • Stand them upright against a skirting board for best results.
Please note: After skates have been purchased, custom heat molded and sharpened, there is no exchange available on these skates – only manufacturer warranty claims.